nyasa hndrx
nyasa hndrx
black. queer. femme.
mirco-blading, freckles
Why did you choose Browstress?
I met Krystal at a black woman in business panel and we instantly clicked! I feel in love with her story and authenticity. Krystal made it a point to name that she wanted folx to know that dark skin could get/have freckles and micro-blading that suited them and honored their skin.
Why do you continue to come back?
I keep coming back because supporting black wimmin is always the ultimate goal, Krystal's kindness, work
What’s pushing you forward currently?
Whats pushing me forward currently is my faith in myself, and the ability to advocate for me too. I am learning that everything for me really is fro me, and when it's not, I will also be able to tell just as much.
What new found power you currently stepping into?
My new found power is trusting myself, and understanding that i make it happen.
How do you wish to see your community evolve?
upwards, outwards, beyond, infinitely...
What's next for your journey?
Moving and DIY home decor :)